
Apr 18, 2013

Shabby Chic Trash Can Makeover

The other night I was wasting time being extremely productive and browsing around a bit on pinterest when I happened upon the prettiest little garbage can.  You can see it here.  By the way that site (Schlaflos) is full of beautiful shabby chic projects and pictures, it's worth checking out. 

Anyways I immediately thought of my plain pink plastic garbage can in our bedroom.  The next day I got to work transforming it. 

It only took 4 dictionary pages and some modpodge to cover the outside.  (Well, technically 8 pages because my first attempt turned out pretty wrinkly and I had to start over...)   Add a bit of trim and  a pretty flower and it's hardly the same any more!

Both crochet trims are from Fabricland in case you are wondering. 

The first thing my husband said when he saw it?  "You know that's going to get dirty right?"  Ummm... maybe if you have dirty garbage...
But I did seal the outside of the paper with mod podge, so that part should wipe off fine and I didn't do anything to the inside, so I can wipe away at that all I want!

Linking to:


  1. That is really cute--I know how your husband feels--I hate to use a pretty garbage can :) Always afraid to get it dirty. Love the sweet flower!

  2. Why on earth do men insist on bringing practicality into it? It's pretty and that's enough!

  3. Oh I love this idea!My husband does not worry if something is too pretty to use he just uses it :-)

  4. Oh very cute, thanks for the idea.

  5. Hi, You have opened my eyes to a new idea. Very pretty...Connie

  6. Aw...SO PRETTY!!!
    If I had this trash can, I don't think I can throw garbage in it,it's too cute!
    I'm sure my daughter would love this,thank you for the idea :)
