
Dec 5, 2012

Ikea Christmas Dishtowels

Many of you have seen those inexpensive cream and red towels that Ikea sells, right?  Well, here's a fun way I gussied up a couple of them for the Christmas season. 

I took a couple of images from the Graphics Fairy (where else, right?), printed them out, taped them to my window, then went over them with a black sharpie. 
I think I first encountered this idea over Setting for Four.  Brilliant idea, isn't it?

And this is the second one I did.  I thought they still looked a little plain, so I added the red lace to the bottom.  I had bought the lace on a whim at Fabricland the week before because it was buy 1 get 3 free, thinking maybe I would use it wrapping presents, but there ended up being exactly enough for my two tea towels.  I love coincidences like that! 

Now I wish I had bought more than two towels the last time I was at Ikea, because these would make awesome gifts. 

And just so you're not too discouraged with how your tracing looks, this is how mine looked right off the window (above).  Then I went over it again filling in more details as I went by looking at the picture (below).

Don't know if it's really possible or not, but perhaps my pretty towels will make drying dishes more fun!

Linking to:
The Shabby Creek Cottage
The 36th Avenue
The Shabby Nest
My Repurposed Life
It's So Very Cheri: Countdown to Winter
The Cottage Market
Five Days Five Ways
Funky Junk Interiors


  1. Beautiful Cynthia! Those would make great gifts too! LOVE that bit of lace!

  2. Ooooh, they look so pretty now! I just picked up a bunch of them at Ikea. I have to try this!


  3. Love these, but now I have to find time for a trip to Ikea!

  4. Cute idea! I bought a whole bunch of these and planned to make some Christmas pillow covers. I may have to steal your idea and print something on them, too!

  5. lovely idea!

    hope you will find a moment to stop by and enter a giveaway i am hosting for followers (i hope you win!):

    happy weekend to you!


  6. I have a stack of these teatowels I think I bought at least 10 last time I was at IKEA, I will have to try your idea!

  7. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE THIS!!!!! thanks ever so much for sharing over at Junkin Joe!!! We are starting the party early this week...hope to see you there : ) hugs...

  8. great project, and neat transfer method. The towels are really cute.

