
Jun 4, 2014

Antique Chair Makeover

Do you ever have one of those pieces where you just don't know if you should sell it?  You think about it, you talk about it, but you never actually make that decision?  This is one of those chairs.  I kept it for a while in it's original state.  I even got the fabric all cleaned up and looking fairly decent.  But it just sat in a corner of our spare room, mostly with blankets piled all over it and never really got used.  Every now and then I thought about giving it a makeover but never actually did.

One day this past summer, I decided that today was THE day.  The day that this chair would be transformed into a white, distressed, beautiful shabby chic wonder.  Well, first coat went on and my white paint immediately turned pink.  We may have a problem here!  After twenty million coats of paint and several topcoats/sealers in between this chair was still showing pink patches everywhere you looked.  But I wasn't going to give up, this chair was going to be white if it killed me.

So, guess what colour it ended up?  Black.  And it only took one additional coat to cover up the pink/white splotchy mess I had made.  The chair won.  And it didn't even look drastically different from the original colour.  The only difference was that I was able to distress the black paint and the white underneath made the details nicely pop.

Because I was bent on giving it a new look, I did recover the seat.  It of course had nothing to do with the fact that there was now white paint on the fabric.  I used this great burlap fabric that you can purchase from Joann's. 
There's a possibility that this chair may be joining me at the Carlisle Country Craft and Old Fashioned Mercantile Market this August.
I've finished a few pieces lately so stay tuned for more makeovers!
Linking to: Miss Mustard Seed,The 36th Avenue

1 comment:

  1. have really done a wonderful.. I love traditional antique furniture and I would say that you have really a wonderful collection of antique chairs that everybody wants to have it in their home and you have really taking care of all these. Thanks for sharing.
